
Archive for August 4th, 2012

The Phantom #31/2012

In studying A Course in Miracles, I’m learning that only love is real and that fear is just an illusion. I’ve long been a fan of the beautifully dramatic musical, The Phantom of the Opera. Last week I saw a special 25th anniversary production of it on television. Once again, I was entranced by the soul stirring music, lavish costumes, and special effects as Christine struggled in her love/hate relationship with the luring, seductive, yet fearful Phantom. When it ended, it struck me that it was a perfect example of what the Course is teaching me. For starters – the fearful figure was just a “phantom.” I sat there thinking what the moral of the story was. For those who have not seen it, I won’t reveal the whole plot and ending. For those who have – you’ll know what I mean when I say:

When you look fear square in the face and show it love   .  .  .  .  .  . it disappears.

Let your spirit soar!


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