
Archive for March, 2015

The Button #6/2015

My elderly mother has a new medical alert call button that she can push anytime she needs assistance. Help is available to her 24/7. Commercials for similar products show someone lying on the floor, pushing the button and saying, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”

It occurred to me this morning that we all have an internal button we can push for spiritual assistance whenever we believe we have “fallen” and can’t get up on our own. The Holy Spirit (our connection to God/love) is available to us 24/7.

At first, my mom wasn’t wearing the call button at all. Then she opted to use it some of the time. I’m having trouble getting her to understand the importance of wearing it all the time. Perhaps that is a reflection of my own reluctance to asking for the Holy Spirit’s help. Like her call button, His guidance is always available to me, but I opt to use it only on occasion or not at all. Unlike her call button, I don’t need to wait for a “fall” to ask for His help. In fact, using His help 24/7 is the very best insurance against falling in the first place.

Let your spirit soar!

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The Voice #5/2015


If you’ve ever watched the popular vocal talent show, The Voice, you’ve seen the four judges selecting members for their team through a process called “blind auditions”. They sit with their backs to the singers so that their choice is based solely on the voices they are hearing. They cannot be distracted or influenced by the many other factors that would be evident if they were allowed to watch them sing.

I realize that I am a lot like the judges. I, too, am listening to, and comparing, different voices; the ego’s voice of fear and the Holy Spirit’s voice for love. The difference is, I usually forget to turn my back on what my eyes would tell me. I often choose which voice to listen to based on appearances. Gradually, I am learning that my eyes never show me the truth. True vision comes when I close my eyes (and ears) and listen only to the voice of love within.

On the show, ultimately, one voice is chosen above all others to be the best, but everyone knows that there are a number of superb voices worth listening to. Unlike the show, there are only two voices I can choose between and only one of them is real. The ego’s fearful voice only leads me to more illusion and suffering. The voice for love leads me home. I know it’s time to close my eyes and open my heart because, between these two voices, quite frankly –

there’s no contest.

Let your spirit soar!

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