
Archive for October, 2011

Blowing bubbles #43

 There is a fairy statue sitting next to my computer. It was given to me by a friend I met when I had my gift shop. He would wander in once in a while, we would share a deep conversation, and then he would leave abruptly, not to return for a long time. I haven’t seen him since I closed the shop. I don’t even know how to get in touch with him, but I think of him with gratitude every time I gaze at that statue.

 The fairy is crouched down in a bed of leaves, sort of resting on her heels. She holds a small bottle in one hand and a wand for blowing bubbles in the other. There is a huge bubble at the tip of the wand and her lips are pursed as though she is gentling blowing in that direction.  It’s evident that she is completely content and absorbed in the moment, as though there couldn’t possibly be anything more important than the bubble before her eyes. One day, when another friend of mine was looking at the statue with me, I shared with her how deeply moved I was by the fairy but that I couldn’t quite put my finger on how she made me feel. Her reply was, “She reminds me that life is good.” That was it! From then on, that’s the feeling I equated with the statue but it is only now, as I write, that I’m getting the rest of the message. When I gaze at her, time seems to stop. She takes me out of my mind and into the present. She reminds me that,

“Life is good when you stay in the moment.”

 Let your spirit soar!

 Have you forgotten how to blow bubbles in your life? Consider joining us for my “Return to Joy” retreat in late November. For details, go to www.rollingridge.org and check out their “A Day Apart” series.



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Letting go #42

Letting go   #42

 For the last ten days I have been trying to keep my cool. The closing date for selling my house has fallen through three times because the loan wasn’t approved yet.  I don’t claim to know anything about the process of selling a house. I’m very grateful to have a realtor taking care of business. But I must say I am incredulous that the bank (and I’ve been told this one is the WORST!) has the right to keep people dangling until the last possible minute. I felt really jerked around. I imagine the buyer must have felt the same.

 I found myself getting angry over the bank’s manipulation and fearful of not selling the house as scheduled to relieve my financial situation. In one of my calmer moments, I asked myself how I might be contributing to (creating) the problem. Two things came to mind. First, I’ve always had a problem with letting money flow into my life. Was I feeling unworthy? Did I think this process had to be really hard, so that I would feel justified that I had earned the money? And, was I mentally holding on to the house for sentimental reasons. After all, we raised our family their!

First, I began focusing more on the buyer’s desire to get the house than on my fear of not selling it. I came from a place of abundance. I had a house and she wanted it, so how could I help her get it. So I focused all my energy on picturing her being settled in her new home in time for Thanksgiving and just how happy and thankful she would be. Secondly, I felt a strong urge to visit the empty house this afternoon. I realized that I hadn’t completely let it go. I did a small releasing ceremony where I gave thanks for how the house has served me and my family for years and declared out loud that I was ready to release it to its new owner and move on with my own life. That was at 1pm.

 I received a call at 3pm. The loan was just approved.

 Let your spirit soar!

 Are you struggling with a frustrating situation? Call or write me at 508-517-9361 or paulaspiritrising@comcast.net to schedule your free, introductory session to see if spiritual counseling is the next step for you.


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The human landscape #41

As we move more deeply into autumn I am recalling a time last year when I unexpectedly stumbled upon a large stream, right in the heart of Chelmsford center. It was a lively, quickly moving stream dotted with varying size rocks and small waterfalls that made the water splash and gurgle in seemingly endless delight. The stream was tucked away in such a manner that I quickly lost awareness of the surrounding businesses and got lost in the beauty of nature. It was autumn then as well. The leaves were in full color, both on the trees and covering the ground. It was incredibly beautiful.

 As I sat there, enchanted by nature’s display, I had this thought:

 The leaves were like people in varying stages of their life’s journey. Some were still on the trees, some on the ground and some floating in the stream. There was only one or two of them that were floating, unimpeded, down the center of the stream. Others would temporarily get snagged on a rock or twig, then break free and float a little further until they got caught up again. Some were huddled in small bunches along the edge of the water, not willing to let go of their group just yet. A few were really entrenched in the muck and mire. Others were not in the water at all. They seemed to look on from the banks, content to watch others float on by. And yet, others were stubbornly clinging to the trees overhead, biding their time until they felt ready to drop to the ground and begin the next leg of their journey.

 As a spiritual counselor, I find myself wanting to help everyone float directly down the center of the stream, unimpeded by the struggles that we all inevitably face. Of course, that isn’t going to happen. But, as I sat admiring that spectacularly beautiful scene, it suddenly occurred to me that it was so beautiful precisely because all those leaves were at different stages in their journey. And so it is with each of us. We are each precisely where we need to be on our journey. And in our own way, we are each contributing to the beauty of the human landscape.

 Thank you for being part of the beautiful scenery in my life.

 If you would like to advance a little further on your journey this autumn, I would be honored to support you on your path. Call or write me at 508-517-9361 or paulaspiritrising@comcast.net to schedule your free, introductory session to see if spiritual counseling is the next step for you.

 Let your spirit soar!


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The lesson continues   #40  

 Last week I spoke about an e-mail I received from a supposed refugee. Although it tugged at my heartstrings, I wondered if it could be a scam. Indeed, the third message I received was all about transferring money so I abruptly ended all correspondence. But, before I let myself fall into the trap of seeing myself as “the victim,” I again followed my friend’s advice and asked what the situation was for; what could I learn and how could I see it differently?”

 My first thought was that this was an opportunity to practice forgiveness; not the “world’s” brand of forgiveness that says, “I begrudgingly let you off the hook for the evil you did to me.” But, the kind of forgiveness I’m learning through A Course in Miracles that says, “I’m not attached to what you did because I know that only love is real – everything else is illusion – and I forgive you for being afraid and forgetting the loving being that you really are.”

 My next thought was that I had been provided an opportunity, once again, to develop more trust in my inner voice; the voice that raised a red flag that this was a scam. I have always been very trusting but, along with trust must come discernment.

 Lastly, my thoughts were of gratitude; for seeing that I listened to and trusted my inner knowing more quickly this time; for not falling into anger and victimization thinking; for not being a refugee myself and for all that I have in my life; for the chance to practice love and forgiveness, and; for remembering to ask, “What is this for?”

Let your spirit soar!
Artwork: NFS





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