
Archive for May, 2012

I just upgraded my cell phone. Selecting from the huge variety of available ringtones reminded me of my late husband telling about when they got new intravenous pumps at the hospital where he worked. He did not like them at all. “The old ones” he said, “had a soft, slow, gentle alarm when they needed tending to. It sounded like, ‘Come  –  here.   When  –  you  – can.’ But the new ones” he continued, “had an unnervingly loud, rapid, buzzing alarm that sounded like, ‘COME-HEAR-NOW! REALLY-FAST!” His story reminded me to give some thought to what kind of ringtone I select. Do I want it to be gentle and quiet, catchy and upbeat, or loud and annoying? There’s no right or wrong answer. The choice is mine; just as it is my choice what tone I want to set for my day (and my night). What are the last thoughts I choose to have before going to sleep and my first thoughts upon waking? Do I want to go to sleep with my head filled with worry thoughts or do I want to quiet my mind first with thoughts of gratitude for my many blessings? Do I awaken with thoughts of dread and anxiety about my perceived problems or do I start my day with joyful anticipation and gratitude for the blessings to come? It only takes a few moments and the choice is mine. I think I will choose more carefully, next time I’m setting the tone.

Let your spirit soar!

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A conversation I had today reminded me of an experience from a few years back. I had contacted a local restaurant owner about displaying some of my paintings at his business. He set up an appointment for me to meet him there the next morning to show him my work. I took five or six of my newest pieces off the front wall of my art studio and put them in the car. When I arrived at the restaurant the following morning, the door was locked and I was unable to reach the owner by phone. I sat there for about thirty minutes but he never showed up. I left my paintings in my car and called him repeatedly for a few more days to see if we could reschedule but was never able to reach him directly. I started joking that perhaps he was just a ghost and didn’t really exist.

 I hadn’t returned to my studio during those few days because I was too busy. When I finally did go back, I was shocked to discover that there had been a huge spill in the studio above mine. Dirty water had come through the ceiling and ran down the entire front wall of my studio where my paintings would have been if I hadn’t kept them in the car while trying to contact the restaurant owner. All of a sudden, he wasn’t such a bad guy after all. Once again, I was shown that things aren’t always happening for the reason I think. Getting annoyed with him was a total waste of my energy. Instead, I should have been celebrating.

Let your spirit soar!

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I used to think following my heart’s desire meant being selfish and uncaring. But over the years I’ve come to realize that following my heart doesn’t necessarily mean doing what is easiest for me. For example, I might desire to support someone else on their life’s journey, even if it’s really hard at times for me to do that. I know of a woman who has chosen to sit by her comatose daughter’s side for many, many years without a break! So, how do I know whether to stay in a difficult situation or not? What is the deciding factor between sticking it out and walking away?

I find it helpful to ask myself, what is my motive for staying? Is it a labor of love? In spite of how challenging the situation might be, do I feel an inner peace and sense of joy from helping/caring/sharing? That’s when I know I’m right where I am supposed to be. But, if I discover that I’m only there out of a sense of guilt, fear, being a “do-gooder”, or obligation, then I know it’s time for me to walk away. That isn’t always easy to do because sometimes it does look and feel selfish and uncaring. But, over and over and over again, I’ve received this same lesson: We are all really One in the perfect mind of God. When we are true to our own heart’s desires, we are being true to everyone else as well. We cannot possibly know what another’s path should look like or how their life’s lessons are to unfold. Our own heart’s desires are leading us to the experiences we need to have to help us realize our Oneness and unlimited potential as part of God. When we gently and lovingly follow our heart’s calling, no matter how disruptive it seems to those around us, we are providing them the opportunity to experience the lessons that will help them to realize their full potential as well.

What is your heart’s desire?

Let your spirit soar!

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Luck #18/2012

My boyfriend says I’m the luckiest person he knows. It is true that, no matter what I venture into, somehow I always manage to land on my feet. I may not win the lottery, but things fall into place and come to me easily in delightful, unexpected ways. Recently I heard spiritual leader, Deepak Chopra, say, “Good luck is a state of grace. It is Spirit walking with you wherever you go.” Well, I certainly don’t live in a constant state of grace. My cat would attest to that if she could talk. However, I find that the more often I am able to align myself with the higher qualities of love, peace, joy, compassion and forgiveness, the more smoothly everything goes for me. I feel like the person in the commercials who is able to dodge all the obstacles in the road because they are driving a safe, dependable car. When I remember to choose Spirit as my vehicle to navigate life, when I let it guide my every move, the trip is much smoother and the road seems to be paved with luck. When people ask me how I’ve come to be so ‘lucky’, I just tell them, “I’ve got the best vehicle.”

Let your spirit soar!                                             

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