
Archive for November, 2012

Giving Thanks #47

I’m sending my blog early this week because I cannot let the holiday go by without expressing my gratitude for having you in my life. Whether we are long time friends or we simply met for a brief moment years ago, you have each touched my life in your own special way and I am grateful to have the opportunity to share my thoughts with you every week.

As I was asking Spirit what to write about today, a copy of this gratitude prayer fell out of the book I was holding. I often read it first thing in the morning. It is a great way to begin the day. Perhaps I have shared it with you before, but I think it is worth repeating as the holiday approaches.

Good morning God!

 Thank you for this wonderful day before me.

I receive this day as the gift that it is . . . . . full of joy, love, laughter and peace.

 I absolutely deny any lack or limitation in my life. I accept your abundance in all areas of my life and thank you, in advance, for an abundant and prosperous day.

 I accept, with gratitude, total and perfect health as every cell and atom in my body radiates your perfect love.

 I joyfully surrender this day to you, knowing that you walk with me in every moment, showing me where to go, what to do, what to say, and to whom. My life radiates perfect joy, perfect love, perfect health and perfect peace and I go forth empowered, knowing that my life is perfect.

 Thank you, again, for this perfect day.

 Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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Putting God First #46

By now, I imagine you have noticed the increasingly spiritual tone of my blog. More and more, I am learning to put God first in my life. Although it has been very challenging at times, ultimately, it has always led me to a greater sense of peace, joy and love in my life. It has also led me to another wonderful part of my Spirit Rising journey that I want to share with you. I have been studying personal growth and counselor facilitation courses for a year and a half now. This weekend I will become an Ordained Ministerial Counselor through Pathways of Light Spiritual College. It is a new kind of ministry that views ministers, not as preachers, but as people acknowledging their continuing process of strengthening their connection with Inner Wisdom and helping others do the same. It has been a wonderful journey so far and I consider myself blessed to be able to share some of my insights with you each week. Wishing you peace, joy and love in your life so that you can . . .

Let your spirit soar!

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Yesterday morning I found myself remembering an incident that happened many years ago and I realized I was still feeling guilty about it. I had made a big mistake at work and discovered that the other person I had involved was taking the rap for it rather than incriminate me. Admitting my error would have incurred the wrath of my very intimidating supervisor. I couldn’t do it. I folded instead.

 Last night I found myself in a similar situation. I didn’t make a mistake, but I knew my truthful answer to a question posed by someone extremely dear to me could lead to a stormy encounter. I feared it could even be a deal breaker in our relationship. But, on the heels of thinking about that long ago incident at work, I knew the ultimate deal breaker would have been a further compromised relationship with myself. So I swallowed hard and spoke the truth. The sky got pretty cloudy for a while. I weathered the storm. More importantly,

I slept well last night.

Let your spirit soar!

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Lighten Up #44

I saw a cartoon in a magazine today that showed a room with a closed door. There was a doggy door built into it, but it was installed way up high. At first I didn’t get it. Then I saw the balloon animal floating near the ceiling and I began to laugh. Just as the cartoonist aimed to have the viewer look at things differently, it occurred to me that I needed to look at my own problems from a higher perspective. Perhaps if I lighten up, a new doorway of understanding will appear and I will be able to float right on through.

Let your spirit soar!

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